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5 simple tips for preparing your home for viewings

Written by Admin

Written by Admin on 23rd Apr 2021

First impressions are so important when it comes to selling your home. A viewing gives prospects around 30 minutes insight into what they are buying and has to give off the right signals and feelings.

Sell your home with these top 5 tips

First impressions really do count and most buyers form their first impression within seconds of walking through the front door, so it is vital to make sure that you’re prepared. We all know the old tricks of freshly baked goods or coffee on the stove but this has become outdated.

Below are 5 tips on giving you a kickstart on selling your home.

Nobody wants to walk into a house that feels like a dark and gloomy dungeon. It's important to let as much natural light flow through the house as possible. Pull back the curtains and roll up the blinds. The more light the better as it makes for a more spacious environment. Don’t be afraid to turn on the lights too.

A well lit property can make all the difference to buyers.

Sometimes peoples homes can have a distinctive smell. Whilst this is normal, it may not be attractive to a potential buyer. You may be used to the smell but anyone else coming into your home won’t be.

Open the windows before a viewing, let the fresh air in. You can also light a scented candle or two. It's important not to use anything that will just mask the smell, thus not actually getting rid of it.

This may seem too obvious but shoving all your clutter into the wardrobe isn’t the best of ideas. With potential buyers wanting to check out storage space it's important to have everything as decluttered as possible. If you find yourself with too much stuff then it could be time for a clear out. You can sell online or take to your local charities. It helps to keep surfaces relatively clear too, your taste may not be the same as everyone else’s. So it's important to allow them to see the potential of the home and not have a cloudy vision with too much ‘stuff’ on display.

Not everyone is an animal lover so it would be useful to get them out of the house for viewings if possible. You should also take out animal beds or litter trays and anything that may cause a lingering smell. You don’t want the smell of pet food to be the only thing someone remembers after leaving your home.

This generally goes without saying but nothing sells a house more than sparkling counter tops and floors and polished furniture. It is vital you make time for a deep clean of the whole house before anyone steps foot inside.

Decorate the living areas and bedrooms with cushions and comfy throws to create a homely environment. Investing in any minor damages or repairs is also definitely worth your while before opening your door to potential buyers. If you have any brightly coloured walls it might be an idea for a lick of paint. Keeping everything neutral and inviting.

One final note is to make sure your outside areas are clean and tidy. Gardens and outdoor living areas are a top priority for buyers, so don’t forget to give the garden some TLC. With some bright coloured plants and clean garden furniture you can’t go wrong. Treat it as you would any other room in the house.